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Kalamunda Open Studios, Sunday 9 Oct

  • Rediscover Ceramics 6 Jack Road Wattle Grove Western Australia (map)

ARTROOMS – Kalamunda Open Studios is an event which is held in Spring and  Autumn in the City of Kalamunda.  Professional artists open their studios to the public for conversation, information and art sales. Kalamunda has a very large and diverse population of artists who enjoy the lifestyle and find inspiration for their work in this creative community.

Maps will be available from Kalamunda Open Studios Website or collected from the Zig Zag Cultural Centre, Shire Offices and many local businesses.

Kalamunda Open Studios 2022 will be held on (Saturday 8th (other studios) & Sunday 9th October (my studio).

DANICA WICHTERMANN is a ceramic artist and teacher who specialises in wheel thrown porcelain vessels and homewares. Danica’s works are known for capturing the essence of the unique natural biodiversity in Western Australia, often using impressions from nature to create textures and patterns as part of her designs. The finished, glazed and fired pieces are works of art created to be functional, durable and safe for use.

Her home studio has a workshop out the back and a display gallery space at the front. Join her for a chat about the making process, or discover some of the techniques of imprinting while you have some clay time for your self. There will be a small play table set up for exploration on the day. (items will not be fired).

Danica’s small gallery shop space will also be filled with lots of beautiful items- available for purchase on the day. Cash or card. Studio discounts and specials available on the day.

Instagram:@rediscoverceramics • FB: DanicaWCeramics

PAIGE BENTLEY is an assistant in Danica’s studio as well as an Honours student studying fine arts. Their practice, which typically involves sculptural installations and digital media, bleeds into their exploration of ceramics in playful and innovative ways. Paige is interested in bold, sculptural works which highlight the unique forms that emerge from hand building techniques, as well as the ways in which illustration can intersect with ceramic arts to produce new material outcomes.

This event is supported by the Shire of Kalamunda.